
AFSCME helps workers find their voice

Posted Jun. 12, 2017 by

At a time of growing economic uncertainty for America’s middle class, thousands of public service workers across the nation are joining together to speak with a common voice. Fed up with politicians who put special interests above the needs of their communities, workers from all walks of life, from nurses to school bus drivers, are choosing solidarity without conformity.

They’re choosing AFSCME.

These are tough times for American workers and their unions. In 2016, overall union membership declined, according to the U.S. Labor Department. But our AFSCME family grew by 12,000. AFSCME welcomed 12,000 new members––women and men from states like California, Ohio and Indiana. Our ability to buck the trend shows that we are not only the largest public sector union in the country, but also the boldest and toughest.

Being part of a union comes with many benefits. Read more.