
Health Care repeal and replace is back. Act now!

Posted Sep. 18, 2017 by

In case you haven’t heard, GOP Senators in Washington are making a last-ditch effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, again––this time by as soon as the end of the week or at the latest Sept. 30! They continue to beat this dead horse even though it would take away health care from 32 million Americans. GOP leaders continue to move forward despite the American people being adamantly opposed to it and in favor of negotiations to, instead, strengthen the law.

Please make a call to Senator Portman TODAY at tell him to vote against any Repeal and Replace! Here are some numbers to try: 202-224-3353 (D.C.)​, 614-469-6774 (Columbus), 216-522-7095 (Cleveland), 513-6843265 (Cincy), or 419-259-3895 (Toledo). Try all the numbers. If it’s busy, keep calling OR text RESIST to 50409 to send a "text" fax from your mobile phone.

It appears that this repeal bill is even worse than the last. The Graham-Cassidy Amendment has many of the same features of the last one that went down in flames in July, like destroying the Obamacare marketplace. But this one also takes direct aim at states—like Ohio—that expanded Medicaid. A new formula actually rewards states that refused to expand Medicaid, depriving their most vulnerable from getting health care. Ohio will, no doubt, receive less than money than it currently does if this bill is passed.

If all Republicans hold on to their support, that would give Sen. Mitch McConnell the 50 votes plus Vice President Pence’s tiebreaker that he needs to jam TrumpCare through the Senate.

Contact Sen. Portman TODAY! Here are some quick talkers:

  • This is nothing new than the last failed attempt, EXCEPT, in addition to taking away health care from as many as 32 million Americans, it would effectively end Medicaid expansion in Ohio and convert the coverage into block grants. It would limit federal funding to Ohio’s most needy both by straight out cuts to the program and by capping these amounts to a predetermined formula. This would have a direct impact on OCSEA members whose work is funded by Medicaid dollars! 
  • Like in previous GOP bills, this one would cut millions of people from health insurance, destabilize the insurance markets, decrease access to affordable care and punish the sick by charging them more.
  • Americans by wide margins are ADAMANTLY opposed to eliminating this program. Say NO to repeal and replace. Say YES to working together to make the ACA better!

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