
In wake of Janus ruling, members are sticking with unions

Posted Jan. 28, 2019 by

A year ago, billionaire-funded corporate special interests and their allies were boastfully predicting the demise of unions. They had put their [BIG] money on a Supreme Court case called Janus v. AFSCME Council 31, a frontal attack on the freedom of working people to build power in numbers together. They won their court case, but they didn't exactly win the hearts of public union members across the nation.

It turns out our opponents wildly underestimated the loyalty and resolve of AFSCME members, and their desire to stick with their union. Just this month, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that membership among local government employees actually increased. And roughly seven times as many public service workers have joined AFSCME than have left since the Janus decision was handed down last summer, resulting in thousands of new members. These are both enormous victories for the labor movement, when you consider how 2018 began.

Read: Unions aren't going anywhere

Read: In the wake of the Janus Ruling, we're sticking with our union