
OCSEA members turn the state red to fight for a fair contract

Posted Mar. 18, 2018 by

Demand a Fair Contract

If the West Virginia teachers' strike has shown us anything at all, it's that we're only as strong as all of us together. Public employees across the nation are putting policymakers on notice: "Give us the respect we deserve!" And it's happening in Ohio too! As the OCSEA and management bargaining teams headed to fact finding over the contract on March 8, OCSEA members and the supporters across state wore the RED to demand a fair state contract and show solidarity with all union workers.

See leaders in action and join the conversation at OCSEA's Facebook group page: OCSEA Stewards Never Quit!

Forget a blue or red wave, there is a UNION wave upon us. Workers, including those right here in Ohio, are uniting like never before to demand fair wages, good benefits and a chance to retire with dignity. There’s power in standing together collectively. We've sacrificed for years, and now it's time to reclaim the respect and dignity we deserve with a strong and fair union contract!

As OCSEA reported last week, the union and management bargaining teams have come to impasse on several major issues, including wages and health care. Because the two sides have not been able to reach agreement with the help of a mediator, union and management will take their unresolved issues to fact finding, with arguments commencing tomorrow, Thurs day March 8. The union team is prepared to argue that, just like in West Virginia, Ohio's public employees have sacrificed for years and deserve a fair contract!

"It's time to come together and show our grit and might. Ohio's state employees are united!" said OCSEA President Chris Mabe.