
Looking ahead: State government transition

Posted Nov. 14, 2018 by

With any transition in state government, state workers and their unions must also go through a transition period and find their footing in a brand new administration. While the state leaders may have changed, the mission of OCSEA remains the same: fighting for working people and making sure Ohio is a great place to live, work and raise a family.

With the election of Ohio's new statewide leaders, OCSEA President Chris Mabe is reaching out to Governor-elect Mike DeWine to extend an olive branch and ask that his vision moving forward be one of true partnership and respect for state service and the state employees who keep Ohio thriving.

"We recognize that the new administration may face a variety of challenges in the months and years ahead. But we would like to assist them in addressing those challenges," said Mabe, referencing a vast history of union and state leaders working in concert for the betterment of Ohio. This history includes Quality Services through Partnership, a joint program under Gov. George Voinovich and DeWine, then Lt. Governor, that saved hundreds of millions of dollars and actively involved union members in creating efficiencies and better government.

In a recent letter to union leaders, Mabe wrote about looking ahead. "We must continue to build a labor movement. Regardless of politics and outcomes, the members need a union now more than ever," he said, reassuring leaders that union members and their issues are the top priority.

Mabe will be requesting a face-to-face meeting with the Governor-elect to discuss the administration's vision and expand on the opportunities ahead as partners in state government. "We believe opportunities are always available and will be available under the new administration," Mabe told union leaders about moving forward for Ohio.

Mabe is encouraging ALL members to reach out to the new administration with stories of their public service and union partnerships that have made Ohio a better place. Stay tuned to this website and OCSEA's social media pages for member actions to promote state service and union partnership.