
"I'm not going to let you die today"

Posted Apr. 5, 2017 by

Every single day, public employee AFSCME union members go to work to make our communities healthier, stronger and safer. They don’t do it for rewards or big money; they do it because it’s a calling.

Sometimes their work means the difference between life and death. No finer example is the life-saving efforts of AFSCME 911 dispatcher Joe Thompson from Huntingdon County, Pa. When a hunter hanging for his life from a tree stand began giving up hope, Joe kept the man calm and never quit in the rescue efforts. “I’m going to die. I’m going to hang here and die,” the hunter told the dispatcher over the phone. “Not today. I’m not going to let you die today,” said Joe. Watch their story.

America isn’t powered by quitters. Neither is AFSCME!

We’re honoring our union co-workers who demonstrate true dedication to their work. Do you have a co-worker or friend who always takes great pride, goes the extra step in their work and never quits doing the best job they can?

Nominate an OCSEA sister or brother, or other AFSCME member, for AFSCME’s Never Quit Service Award at