
ODOT heroes save the life of man trapped in car

Posted Nov. 1, 2016 by

ODOT Highway Technicians from Clermont County are being hailed as heroes after they discovered a motorist who had wrecked his car over the weekend and had been trapped inside for two days.

The Hamilton-Clermont 3100 chapter members, Jeff Armstrong and Ryan Ninichuck, say they were just doing their jobs, but thanks to their efforts, they were able to reach the man, whose wreck was hidden from the road, and contact first responders in time to save his life. He is currently in stable condition.

According to a newscast on the heroes, first responders are thankful the ODOT workers found Chambers when they did. “It was a good feeling knowing he was still alive,” Armstrong said. Watch the newscast.

“Our road warriors know these highways and Interstates backwards and forwards, and thanks to their expertise on the job they were able to save a life,” said Hamilton-Clermont chapter President Jill Tummler-MacKenzie. “Just like our first responders, our ODOT members are so important to our communities,” she said.

“When we say our members ‘Never Quit,’ this is a prime example,” said OCSEA President Chris Mabe. “Our ODOT members are humble but take pride in their work. They travel these roads daily and keep an eye out for their communities. They save lives every year,” said Mabe.