
Ohio Voter Registration deadline is Oct. 9

Posted Sep. 24, 2018 by

As we roll into mid-term election season, it's more important than ever that Ohio citizens make sure that they are registered to vote and able to take part in the democratic process. The deadline to register to vote for the Nov. 6 election in Ohio is Tuesday, Oct. 9.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Ohio's purge of inactive voters between 2011-2014. As a result, voting rights advocates have been hard at work to make sure voters know their voting registration status and whether they have been or could be victims of Ohio's voter roll purge. Make sure your vote is safe: Check, update or establish your voter registration online at Also, check out this voter database tool HERE (developed by, which allows Ohio voters to check whether they are at risk of being removed from the rolls, including whether they have been sent confirmation notices regarding voting inactivity and termination.