
Pres. Mabe thanks Mansfield City Council

Posted Mar. 27, 2017 by

OCSEA Pres. Chris Mabe penned a letter to Mansfield City Council this week thanking them for voting for an emergency resolution to reject right to work. The central Ohio city council introduced a resolution last week opposing House Bill 53, which would make Ohio a right to work state for public employees. Union activists from AFSCME, AFL-CIO, UFCW, Central Ohio Building Trades, and LIUN​A were all in attendance.

In his letter, Mabe said right to work is wrong for cities like Mansfield that continue to struggle after the recession because they drain resources away from local economies by reducing wages and benefits. He went on to thank council men and women saying “it’s so important for us to recognize when elected officials and others remind us that they are, indeed, on our side.”

Read local coverage about the meeting HERE.