
From Pres. Mabe: Didn't we already say NO to Right to Work?

Posted Jun. 30, 2016 by

Dear OCSEA sisters and brothers:

The same week we celebrated the largest referendum victory in the history of Ohio when we defeated Senate Bill 5, Ohio lawmakers are at it again to try to destroy public employees’ collective bargaining rights.

Yesterday, Ohio Rep. John Becker (R-Union Township – Clermont Co.) introduced a Right to Work bill for public sector employees called House Bill 583. Just like SB 5, this anti-union attack would undermine our right to negotiate for fair pay and benefits, plain and simple.

But Right to Work was wrong then, and it’s wrong now. Workers in Right to Work states have lower wages, higher mortality and injury rates and fewer benefits. Five years ago we defeated––by huge margins––this attempt to limit our rights at work and turn Ohio into a Right to Work state for public employees. Ohioans spoke up in record numbers and defeated SB 5.

In fact just this week, the U.S. Supreme Court shut down, once and for all, the anti-union court case, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, that would have made the country Right to Work for public employees. Their call for a rehearing of the case was denied.

Lawmakers that continue to attack collective bargaining, against the views of the vast majority of Ohioans who support our right to do so, are irresponsible and should be voted out of office, come November.

To be sure, we will fight with every resource at our union's disposal any and ALL attempts to limit our rights, lower our wages and decrease our benefits. Will you join us in the fight?

In Solidarity,

OCSEA President, Chris Mabe

We Are Ohio: Tell Rep. Becker, "We don't need Right to Work is Wrong!"

Cincinnati Enquirer: Becker introduces public right-to-work bill