
Right to Work seeing bipartisan opposition

Posted Jan. 9, 2018 by

Call your state legislator at 800-282-0253 and tell them that voters already said NO to Right to Work when they voted down Senate Bill 5! Or take action HERE.

Just like opposition to Senate Bill 5 was bipartisan, so is Ohio’s opposition to newest “Right to Work” attacks aimed at taking away workers' rights and destroying their unions. Ohio lawmakers-–from both sides of the aisle-–know that GOP Rep. John Becker, the creator of six proposed anti-worker ballot initiatives, is carrying water for out-of-state billionaires, like the Koch brothers.

"His proposals don't reflect the will of Ohioans," said We Are Ohio, the group that helped fight Senate Bill 5. "That's why we applaud the bipartisan group of legislators who have pledged to stand up for workers." This includes Republican Rep. Jay Edwards of Athens, who recently sent a letter of support to OCSEA President Chris Mabe. This is just more proof that fighting Right to Work (is Wrong) isn't about politics. It's about doing what's right for Ohio workers! Read the letter.

"Becker's plan to put Right to Work and more on the ballot is dangerous and divisive," said Mabe, who has been educating legislators like Edwards about what worker attacks would do to harm Ohio.

Becker's plan, outlined in a recent co-sponsor letter, aims to put SIX anti-worker constitutional amendments before Ohio voters. Becker's dirty half dozen include:

  • implementing so-called “right-to-work” laws for the private and public sectors
  • repealing prevailing wage laws
  • prohibiting government employers from withholding union dues
  • prohibiting unions from spending on political activities
  • prohibiting contracts that require union labor
  • requiring annual public-sector union re-certification

All Rep. Becker needs to get these initiatives on the ballot is the support of the Ohio General Assembly. OCSEA is urging legislators to oppose any efforts to put Right to Work and more on the ballot.