
Happy Holidays from Pres. Chris Mabe

Posted Dec. 21, 2016 by

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I just wanted to wish you and your family a happy and healthy holiday and to thank you for your service and dedication to our communities and the citizens of Ohio.

We know many OCSEA members, especially those who work in state facilities or who plow our roads, won’t have the holidays off. While most of us will be enjoying time spent with our friends and families, opening presents and watching our favorite holiday movie (mine is Die Hard), you’ll be ensuring that our communities are safe, that the most vulnerable are taken care of and that motorists are free from roadway accidents. We know these things don’t happen by magic. It’s the sacrifice of public workers that allows us to enjoy the holidays.

We also know the last few months left many of us feeling uncertain about what the New Year will bring. One thing that is certain, however, is that this union will be renewing its commitment to our members. We know you “never quit” and we want to be worthy of the dedication you show in your job, day in and day out.

We know you sacrifice not just during the holidays but also year-round and that your efforts often go unnoticed. ODOT heroes from Clermont County, Jeff Armstrong and Ryan Ninchuck, are among our members who didn’t quit this year. Making their rounds on Ohio’s road, they noticed a vehicle in a ditch that was hidden from view. On closer inspection, it was clear a wreck had occurred and that the victim was still inside. The ODOT employees were able to reach the man and then contacted first responders, saving his life.

Other members make a difference in their workplace just by virtue of the jobs they perform: Maria Lucente of the Ohio EPA approves engineering plans for drinking and water treatment plants to keep our drinking water safe. Ki Taylor of the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology makes sure that our holiday splurges, like manicures and pedicures, are done in facilities that are safe and clean and performed by highly-skilled individuals.

Other members like Andy Wood, from the Ohio Shared Services and Tim Wood and Tim Rodgers from Ashtabula County ODOT, have been innovators in their workplace and helped save thousands of dollars for Ohio’s taxpayers.

This year was a challenge in many ways, but with the skill and commitment of our members, we also have seen some important breakthroughs and wins for our side. Lucky for us, those all start and end with this union’s most important asset: YOU!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season,

President Chris Mabe