Local Govt/Alt Contract Round table

Event Location

Hilton Hotel (Polaris)
8700 Lyra Dr.
Columbus , OH 43240

Event Date

Friday 6/21/2019

Event Time

5p.m. - 7p.m.


All local government or alternative contract OCSEA members are invited to attend a special round table and networking event on June 21. This event will take place the night before the OCSEA Steward Conference. Any members who fall under an OCSEA local government or alternative contract are welcome to attend whether you have registered for the Steward Conference or not. State chapter leaders with members that fall under these contracts are also urged to attend. The event will allow members to network, talk about union successes, and discuss the issues impacting union members in these workplaces. RSVP at agoodwin@ocsea.org