
State agencies, prisons, Medicaid face cuts in state budget

Posted Jun. 14, 2017 by

This week, Ohio Senate Republican leaders released the first draft of their version of the Ohio budget bill and declared that they will have to "do more with less” and that “many agencies will see cuts.” Thanks to a business tax cut that benefits the wealthy, the state is seeing a nearly $800 million dollar shortfall over the next two years. But instead of fixing a broken tax system, the Senate GOP budget is, once again, balancing the budget on the backs of working Ohioans, the poor, elderly, and disabled.

​The Senate budget cuts state agencies up to 4% and reduces Medicaid spending by $200 million.​ The budget also cuts $20 million from state prisons. If passed in its current form, there will be serious cuts to health care for the poor, public school funding, ​and a variety of other areas while numerous businesses continue to pay no income tax. OCSEA is also concerned that prison cuts to an already over-burden system could have serious impact on staff and community safety. Download the Senate Substitute Budget Bill HB 49.

Budget amendments will continue to be drafted this week. The bill could be passed out of the Senate Finance Committee and voted on by the full Senate as early as next Wednesday, June 21.

Call your Ohio Senator today and tell them to fix the broken tax system that benefits the wealthy. Tell them to fully fund your state agency, Ohio's state prisons and Medicaid.
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